Fleet Innovation AwardThe NASUF Fleet Innovation Award recognizes a fleet director who has demonstrated sustained efforts to improve the efficiency of their fleet in terms of measurable cost reductions, creating new efficiencies, safety enhancements, or customer service. Who is EligibleNominees must be NASUF members in good standing and currently serving as fleet director for their university or state fleet office. CriteriaNominees must have demonstrated one or more of the following:
NominationsNominations close August 16, 2024. To nominate a member, please download and complete the nomination form (first button below), then use the second button to submit the nomination form to NASUF Headquarters. If you would like to nominate a peer, but do not have sufficient information on their accomplishments to complete a submission, please contact the NASUF staff for assistance. Download and Complete the Nomination FormSubmit the Completed Nomination Form |