Information for Workshop Speakers

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a speaker/presenter for the 2024 NASUF State Fleet Managers Workshop. This page includes information that may be helpful to you as you plan your presentation. Please also read the Guidelines for Education Session Speakers and deadline dates listed below.

Key Dates to Note

  • Deadline to turn in session title, description & learning objectives - May 13
  • Deadline to turn in biography & headshot - August 1
  • Deadline to turn in your presentation, handouts & materials (see PPT template below) - September 3
  • Deadline to register for the Workshop - September 6

All materials should be submitted by email to Lauren Myers

PowerPoint Template

Please create your slides using widescreen 16:9 format. If possible, please use the official 2024 Workshop PowerPoint template, available by clicking the image below. When your presentation is finalized, please forward to Lauren Myers by email. The deadline for presentations, handouts and materials is September 3.


Speaker Policy

Speakers and presenters, your participation in the NASUF State Fleet Managers Workshop indicates consent to the following:

  • We may record the presentation by video, audio, and/or screen capture. Any recordings may made available for free or paid access after the meeting. We reserve the right to house recordings for later viewing by members, event attendees and others at our sole discretion.
  • Recordings, photos and screen captures may be used in our communications with attendees and may be used for marketing, social media and website purposes by our organization and our association management company.
  • Presenters must have rights to the presented content and thus give copyright permission to promote the materials and/or recording to websites and third-party sites (including but not limited to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn). Presenters retain all ownership rights, including copyright, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property of content uploaded to these sites.
  • Presenters are not permitted to use images or other content that would infringe on the intellectual property rights of others without the owners’ advance, written permission. You are responsible for securing authorization to use content. Our organization does not assume liability for your use of others’ intellectual property.
  • Presenters have no right of approval, no claim for compensation, and no claim (including, without limitation, claims based upon invasion of privacy, defamation, or right of publicity) arising out of or in connection with, any use, alteration, or use in any composite form. Presenters agree and acknowledge that in the event any claims of action arise with respect to your materials, or any other actions related to participation in this event, you act in sole and individual capacity and that our organization does not assume liability for presenter or audience member actions hereunder.


If you have any questions about your presentation or the Workshop, please contact Lauren Myers, NASUF Executive Director.